My purpose in creating a blog is really just to give myself something to do other than laundry, vacuum and the occasional Real Housewives of Orange County marathons on Bravo. I'm pretty terrible at keeping a journal/scrapbooks/babybooks/anything crafty that involves being organized so I'm hoping this blog will take the place of all of those things. I promise I won't post any pictures of poopie diapers or talk about breast feeding woes or how much smarter my kid is than yours (although he probably could have figured out this whole blog deal quicker then me). You can however expect lots of pictures of my ridiculously handsome baby Levi, things that spark my general interest and the occasional dumb dog picture.
I'm sure if you are reading this you know me pretty well but if you just happen to stumble upon this on accident here is a little bit about myself...
I got engaged to the love of my life on June 5th, 2009
We were married on June 5, 2010
And then on June 22nd, 2011 we welcomed this little bundle of joy!
Somewhere along the way we acquired these two...
Balto Jacobson |
Jeebies aka Jeepers Creepers Jacobson |
Welcome to the blogging world!